Being empowered and living an empowered life
lets you move with grace through life.
This course will help you go deep, journey and discover the gold in your soul. Create a foundation of power and balance and discover your inner treasure of gifts and talents. You get:
- Inspiration & Guidance
- Affirmations
- Rituals
- Goddess of the Week Journal
- Worksheets
- Journaling Prompts
- And Priestess Stories…
As you continue to practice your priestessing skills, you will get stronger and sharper. You will learn how to be the heroine of your life, not the victim.

What You Get…
There is a living, breathing radiance that lives inside all of us. We call this essence the Sacred Feminine, the Goddess. The Goddess teaches us how Self-Love is the key to everything. In its most expanded state is divine-self realization and the embodiment of love. You will learn how to attune to the Goddess and allow her to flow through you, unlocking your true self. You will learn the teachings of how to live authentically and remember how the ancient Priestesses used self-love as a foundation for everything they did. Learn to open to pleasure, as pleasure is a great heart opener, and create a practice of self-love.
Do you know how powerful you are? Your power comes from inside of you. Your Sacred Feminine essence that holds your intuitive, personal, expressive, manifesting, transformative and magical gifts. You will learn how to use Intuition, Dream Symbols, Crystals, and Alchemy to understand the ancient language of this power. You will learn where it comes from in your body, how to use it, sharpen it and channel it. Your magnetic intense power, once it has fully blossomed can attract to you anything you desire – a life you love and deserve, a life purpose inspired by your soul’s calling and more psychic powers to continue creation and manifestation.
Explore your magical history with love. You will discover how to open to magic even if you feel you’ve never felt it, or never let it in before. Learn how to be able to receive magic from the Universe/the Divine and how to restore broken trust. Explore the kind of magic you want to have in your life, and how to receive and give love at its fullest. You will learn the basics of alchemy and how to create all forms of Sacred Objects, Altars and candles to invoke the Goddess
We have never lost the power of ceremony, song, dance and celebration. The human story needs it to grow as sacred muses, artists and storytellers. The Goddess blesses us as we live in our joy and bless others with our joy and creativity. Just as spring flows into summer, we need to play and love and honor our inner muse. You will learn to celebrate the Seasonal Wheel and understand the lunar year and its feminine cycle of 13 moons.
In this powerful module, you will learn about the ancient practice of astrology & oracles. The ancient Priestesses spoke to the sisterhood of stars in our vast Universe. They drew maps and constellations and let the sky guide the earth’s seasons and weather. They understood the path of planets and their influence over us on a personal level. This module is an introduction to the astrological wheel and ancient zodiac signs.
The ancient prophecies told us the oracles were returning. This is a time of rising and remembering. This module will gently awaken your Oracle roots. Once upon a time, women felt whole and had strong voices and we belonged to an abundant love. We lived in White Temples and sang the song of our hearts – loving, healing, teaching and nurturing one another. Now, we are here to awaken and remember this truth again. Speak your truth. Remember your needs. And then, awaken others.. You will learn how to read Tarot and Egyptian protection symbols as well start a practice of Channeling and Visualization.
Music has inspired humans since the beginning of time. Music soothes our souls, creates magic and helps us to express our stories and heart’s deepest longings. You will be given playlists for meditations, dancing and channeling so you can use this music to heal, relax, create or manifest. Discover the different types of music you can use every day for energy and body healing.
The ancient prophecies told us the oracles were returning. This is a time of rising and remembering. This module will gently awaken your Oracle roots and teach Prophecy, Channeling, Visions & Interpretation. You will learn how to open your third-eye chakra and the different kinds of seeing, prophecies and visioning.
Companion Workbooks
The Magnetic Power workbook is your practical guide to the complete Priestess 101 course and will help you become magnetic.
The step-by-step practical exercises have additional tips, examples and wisdom to increase and strengthen your magnetic power as you progress through each module.
Goddess of the Week Journals
Your Goddess of the Week Journal will inspire you with insight about a Goddess and help you discover different aspects of your power.
Weekly Priestess Practice
Each module has homework and a priestess practice to apply what you’ve learned and put it into action.
Click the “Take The Home Study Course” button now
Instant Download
In the home study course, you get:
- 6 Modules of “The Priestess 101 Course” loaded with tools, inspiration and guidance for practicing powerful priestess skills.
- Companion Workbooks
- Goddess of the Week Journals
- Weekly Priestess Practice
- Priestess Stories
Click the “VIP Group coaching” button now
and experience everything in the Home Study Program,
plus guided coaching sessions and mentorship with Zinnia
In VIP Group Coaching, you get:
- 6 Modules of “The Priestess 101 Course” loaded with tools, inspiration and guidance for practicing powerful priestess skills.
- 6 months of deeper, intensive and immersive experience of the Priestess 101 experience (1 module per month)
- Companion Workbooks
- Goddess of the Week Journals
- Weekly Priestess Practice
- 1 one hour coaching call with Zinnia
- Monthly Intensives (Forbidden Goddesses, Oracles of Delphi, Intro to Sea Priestess, etc)
- Journaling prompts
- Guided meditations
- 21 Day Challenge Self-Love Practice
- Membership to the Shakti Priestess community on Facebook
I will guide you to move forward while being fully supported for 6 full months as you gracefully transform yourself into the woman you are meant to be.
How you will feel:
- A healthy sense of Self
- A deep mind-body-soul connection
- Supported and held by sacred rituals
- A deeper meaning in your life
- Connected to Priestess wisdom, mentorship and guidance
Group Coaching Investment Terms:
Shakti Priestess Group Coaching is an investment – a valuable jewel that requires your personal commitment. As a Shakti Priestess, I have invested in my spiritual, emotional, and physical education to embody the Goddess and I’m prepared to hold sacred space with you. Shakti Priestess Group Coaching is $2400.00.
Register now to receive all the exciting details including Group Coaching Applications, Priestess Prep Materials and Launch Dates!