Our summer months have come to a close and now the energy of fall is here. Seasonally, this is the time for letting go. Everyone talks about letting go and it is a beautiful skill to have.
Letting go can help you heal…
Letting go can help you transform…
Letting go can help you balance…
Have you ever tried to “let go” of something in your life? A job, career, boyfriend, bad habits, an unhealthy way of life? I have tried to let go of people and situations that I was dependent on and it’s not the easiest thing to do.
This month I took my yearly pilgrimage to Ibiza to let go of the past year and reflect on the lessons I was meant to learn as I prepare for 2017. Letting go of control and addiction was one of them. Surrender was another.
As I reflected and relaxed under the sun, I swam, sailed on boats, watched the sunset and danced across the sand. When I had filled my cup with love, Ibiza began her magic and the island sent me a surprise that mystified me.
Recently, I reached out to a soulmate who I thought I would never speak to again! In previous years, we had cathartic fights and betrayal between us and I realized I was still holding onto old anger and resentment.
I let go of the anger…
I let go of the resentment…
I let go of the defensiveness and the wall around my heart…
And fell in love again…
I fell in love with this soulmate and we have fallen in love with one another so many times. Before we fought and fought but something changed this time. My heart was so full of love that I only wanted his happiness. As short as our love story was, it is now full of friendship, flow, forgiveness and unconditional love.
The truth was, I had been running away from him because he mirrored my intense and difficult feelings about myself, and that meant I was running away from myself.
I was having trouble trusting after my divorce creating a solid relationship bond with another, and having a healthy, nourishing, friendly bond with my own heart, feelings and emotions.
I was addicted to running away, flying away and not staying connected to my body, mind and emotions and whatever came up for me.
This time in Ibiza, I let everything come up and then I let everything go with the compassion I would have for a child crying to get their needs met.
For me, this was a chance to outgrow my dependencies and addiction and it meant growing new emotional muscles and compassion for my inner child.
When I first started to feel the dark and difficult sensations, my first reaction was to repress them like I had done during childhood in order to survive around my parents.
Addictions are eliminated when there’s no longer a need to numb-out, or run away from You. And when you can feel the full spectrum of your feelings from shame, rejection abandonment, unworthiness, betrayal all the way to beauty, happiness, joy, bliss and ecstasy, your feelings bring about wholeness and healing.
Real love is based on freedom.
So when I met my soulmate again, Love filled my cup and offered me the “freedom to choose” without any bindings on this person, and I chose a balanced path instead of following a negative path leading to self destruction.
This is the mystery of the Sacred Feminine. You always have the power to choose which path you will take.
The feminine has many faces.
Love can feel free. Life can feel full of joy!
The Sacred Feminine teaches you that who you are is free, liberated already, completely free of all dependence. This is wholeness. And from wholeness, everything comes to you!
If you want to connect and stay embodied to your emotions, feelings and to the light, here is a beautiful invocation I use from Wistancia Stone’s book, “Invocations To The Light”.
Reaching For The Light
Invocation is a sacred act. Some personal preparation to bring you into sacred space is important for it to be the powerful tool of transformation that it is. Remember, the heart is the gateway – or stargate –to feeling the sacred unity of life. So access the heart. Begin by connecting to Source in whatever way you can, be aware that intention is a dynamic tool to manifest a linking with Source. Be present in respect, in faith, in sincerity.
Take a moment to center yourself. Visualize white and golden light encompassing you. You can say to yourself, “I surround myself with peace, love and light” and create a sheath of protection around myself.” You may choose to outpicture platinum light – a frequency above the gold. Take a few slow, deep breaths and release the tension out of your body. Each breath is a new gift of life—the Masters call it a “new morning.” And with every in-breath and out-breath there is a point of stillness, which brings serenity when it is your focus. Feel the finer energies around you. Feel your heart and connect with your breath. You may wish to visualize a “figure eight” connecting your breath with your heart so they are joined and begin to intertwine. It is like breathing through the heart. From your heart breathe light into the rest of your body. Feel the top of your head—your crown—and consciously intend it to open to bring light from the higher dimensions into the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric layers of your Being.
You can do this invocation daily or a few days a week to connect to yourself and to higher vibrational energies.
In Ibiza this time, I was reborn. Time to live life again with flow, freedom and fully in the feminine. I’m so grateful for love and sharing from this deep heart space of giving, sharing and cherishing the people in my life.
With this new love I am announcing my new love project! I am hosting my first Sacred Sensuality Retreat for Women in Ibiza in October 2017. I made a video to share my vision and excitement with all of you! Click the image to watch!
Go ahead and watch the video and be sure to join the conversation in the comments below. I want to hear what your experience has been like with letting go and opening your heart to new experiences. Please share!
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