Temples of Isis in the Mediterranean

The Temple of Philae on Agilika Island by Ivan Marcialis CC BY-SA 2.0 The world is witnessing a revival of interest in Goddess Isis, the feminine aspect of divinity that has been neglected for so long by patriarchal world religions. Isis of Ten Thousand … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Uncategorized
The magic of Salinas

My favorite beach in Ibiza is Salinas. Why? Because no matter what changes or how many tourists flock to the island, Salinas stays true to the original, bohemian fun-loving spirit of Ibiza. This October I return to my Goddess Island and I’m so excited to show you my … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Ibiza, Sacred travel, Uncategorized Tagged With: Ibiza
Searching for Tanit in Ibiza
Who is Goddess Tanit of Ibiza? Tanit is an ancient African Mother goddess of sexuality, fertility and death. Her worship spread throughout the Mediterranean where she was honored for her ancient powers over the life-death continuum in Phoenicia, Carthage, Iberia, Libya and … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Ibiza, Sacred Feminine Power, Sacred travel, Shakti
Searching for mystic Kabbalah culture in Girona – How Spain and Scotland are connected through the Kabbalah and the Grail
All travel stories for the most part have mystery. That’s what makes you want to turn the page, but this particular story, at its heart, has a quest. I started reading The Portal, a true-life memoir of Patrice Chaplin that began in City of Secrets, the story of her … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Sacred Feminine Power, Sacred travel, Shakti
Sacred Travel – Recovering the lineage of the Lost Goddess
2022 is a Magdalene coded year and I’m on a Grail Quest! Recovering the lineage of the Lost Goddess. This summer I’ll be on a pilgrimage to Old Europe and Bronze Age Mediterranean, searching for the lost parts of a puzzle I’m piecing together from Atlantis and the Holy … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Sacred Feminine Power, Shakti, Uncategorized
Transformation Diary: Becoming the story I was born to live – Part 1 Integration ☥

The gift of being able to transmit grace, unconditional love and healing energy, is known in the East as Shakti. ~ Leslie Temple Thurston It's been a common pattern for me to consider myself a “spiritual person” and to intellectually get that “we're all one” … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Transformation
Transformation Diary: Reclaiming Wild Woman on New Year’s Eve ☥

I’ve been working with the fabulous Annabel DuBoualy in her 22-day immersion called the Rose Moon Epiphany. I really didn’t know what to expect from this journey except that my intuition called me to this program. It is based on her wisdom of the Rose Lineage, walking … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Transformation
Transformation Diary: Healing unworthiness is part of the heroine’s journey ☥

Welcome to my Transformation diary! I’ve been in metamorphosis since 2020 (caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly) and wanted to share my awakening and ascension journey. Descent into our unconscious is an initiation into feminine power, wisdom and abundance. Exploring and … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Transformation
Offerings, classes & workshops are coming in 2023!

* I will be on traveling to multiple pilgrimages this year. All classes offerings have been postponed to 2023. Venus Temple initiations Join us for live Temple Journeys where we explore a Goddess by working with her alchemical medicine. We will explore her origins, … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Uncategorized
Feminine Awakening June 2023 in Ibiza!

Are you interested in joining us for 4 days in June 2023 in Ibiza? Would you like to learn feel your power, beauty and abundance on the magical Goddess Island of Ibiza? If yes, please fill out this interest form. You can also learn more about the previous Feminine Awakening … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Uncategorized
Introducing the Sacred Sensuality Retreat in Ibiza, Spain!

I am over the moon to share my newest love offering with you this October. Introducing the Sacred Sensuality Retreat for women in Ibiza, Spain on October 7 -14. I’m delighted to bring this to you and your friends. I know how busy you all are, working and taking care of your … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Ibiza
Featured Feminine Leader: Rachael Pontillo, Beauty Expert

The Feminine Leader Series helps aspiring women leaders understand the power of their platform. As a feminine leader in the 21st century you need to influence and impact hundreds, thousands and millions and when you can impact millions, “Your Platform Is Your Power”. My … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Self Love
3 Things I Learned from JLO about Power and Self-Love

How is the month of love going for you? I’ve been filling my cup, detoxing winter from my body and home space to make room for spring and enjoying food, music and dance. If you’ve been following me on Facebook or Instagram, then you probably saw what an amazing time I had in … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Joy
2017 Messages: The Year of Truth

2017 is the Year of A Grand Awakening. Year of the Phoenix. “Phoenix year begins on January 27, 2017 on the new Moon in Aquarius at 4:07 pm PST. Chinese New Year is the second new Moon after Winter Solstice. Some translations refer to 2017 as Rooster year, but I resonate … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Transformation
My Top Moments of 2016!

Happy New Year everyone! I want to wish you all a wonderful and exciting 2017. I want to celebrate you and the spirit of your dreams, creativity and reassure you that I will be here in 2017 to support and empower you.Did you know that in 2015, I moved back to the USA from … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Joy
3 Ways to Manifest Powerfully

I am still on my "Ibiza Heart-Centered High" and riding the waves of joy and bliss. However, I didn't feel like that when I arrived on the island 4 weeks ago. I was frustrated, numb and lost in my direction and next steps. Why? I was in my head. Trying to figure out things … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Manifesting
Letting Go and Falling In Love

Our summer months have come to a close and now the energy of fall is here. Seasonally, this is the time for letting go. Everyone talks about letting go and it is a beautiful skill to have. Letting go can help you heal… Letting go can help you transform… Letting go can … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Ibiza Tagged With: Ibiza, purpose, retreat, self love, transformation
How to Value Yourself in Relationships

A couple of months ago, I shared an article with you on a topic that received a lot of attention, shares and feedback. It was all about healing from divorce and feeling whole again.I was 24 years old when I fell deeply and intensely in love. I thought I would spend my entire … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Self Love
You’re Invited to the Goddess Talk Sessions Global Event

Beautiful Women,June and July has been about deepening my nourishment, connecting to women, starting my own Women’s Empowerment Circle and stepping into a nurturing, mothering role.It’s felt so sweet, succulent, loving and blissful! And I am celebrating that feeling all … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment
6 Things To Let Go of and Improve Self Confidence

This summer has been a really bittersweet time for me. This summer is the 6 year mark of when I separated from an old life and began my divorce with now ex-husband. I even went to Los Angeles last weekend and stayed at the same hotel where we initiated the divorce. I saw my … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Transformation
4 Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose

Something wonderful happened last week that I want to share with you. I was a partner and keynote speaker at Nitika Chopra’s Summer Self-Celebration and I was in the company of some amazing lifestyle empowerment brands like Hay House, Vikaz, We Are The Light, Jennifer … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment
10 Gifts of Sacred Feminine Empowerment

What is Shakti Power? Shakti is your natural sacred feminine power. She is an ancient energy. She is the female face of the Divine. Shakti inspires women to awaken and turn on their light. She dances through the universe brave and awake singing “wake up, wake up!”Here are … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment Tagged With: Empowerment, feminine, Shakti
Be The Heroine of Your Life, Not The Victim

Getting divorced felt like a tsunami taking over my life. I became a victim losing everything that was important to me. It was an emotionally crippling process that left me feeling small, undeserving and unworthy. One by one, I saw my home, my job, my circle of friends, the … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Self Love
A Journey Through Sacred Feminine Power

Throughout the sands of time, there has always been the temple of the Sacred Feminine. And in that temple, there are five key archetypes a woman must journey through to experience initiation, trials and mastery of her sacred woman maturity and blossom into her fullness.The … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Archetypes
It’s FREE – You’re Invited!

This is SUPER exciting, I know! Next Friday, April 22nd, I'm holding a free webinar online. For everyone!Mostly, for YOU. Reclaim Your Power & Truth: Use Shakti to Step Into Your Power, Express Your Gifts and Truth Whatever is frustrating you or making you feel like a … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Sacred Feminine Power, Shakti
Shakti Power 2016 Enrollment is Open!

Ready For A Big Shift In Your Life?"Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny, he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally, you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Shakti
8 Ways to Step Into Your Power

I get asked many questions on how to develop a "spiritual practice" of tools and rituals related to the Goddess. There are so many modalities like runes, crystals, tarot and divination. Where does one begin? How do you choose? This is a guide to help you decide which … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Self Love, Transformation
My Top 6 Self-Love Rituals

It’s very nourishing to make nurturing rituals for yourself. When change is in the air, and you are entering a cycle of change, growth, transition and transformation - you may not be sure what the change is or what to do about it. It’s usually during this time, you need to … [Read More...]
Awaken Your Inner Warrior

One of the most amazing leaps an awakening woman can make in her journey is to recognize how her personal power comes from making adult decisions and better choices. Sometimes a person is so lost in reactive behaviors, old hurts, and their wounded self that they don’t … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Self Love
Awaken Your Enchantress

The Enchantress within us evokes emotion, feeling and sensuality. She opens us to our senses–touch, taste, smell, hear, and sight–or in other words. She experiences life’s possibilities in her fullness.When you tap into your Enchantress energy, you have access to your … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Joy, Sacred Feminine Power Tagged With: Empowerment, joy, self love
Desire & Create – A Mini Soul Vision Workshop
January is the perfect time to start planning for the new year. You’ve just finished up the holidays and finally have some self-love time for yourself. January is the perfect time to start reflecting on what you want to create for the year ahead. Why? Because you are full of … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Transformation
A Tigress In The Temple

Being true to yourself is old magic. It’s a key to self-realization, to being all you can be and to living an abundant, joyful, harmonious and rewarding life. Being true to yourself is a way of living where you stay connected with the beauty of your innermost Self, listen to … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Ibiza, Sacred Feminine Power, Self Love Tagged With: feminine, Ibiza, Power
Awaken Your Inner Queen

It’s time. No longer are you a sleeping princess unaware of your power and beauty. You’ve grown up. You’ve been a warrior in battle and you’ve transformed yourself through challenges, scars, initiations and unimaginable experiences. I hear you. Your stories of devastating … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Manifesting, Transformation Tagged With: Power, queen
Be The Heroine of Your Life, Not The Victim

Transformation is in the air.I feel it in my circle of friends, my family, priestess community, among my teachers. And I certainly feel it within myself. We are all in different stages of spiritual development. Like a butterfly cocoons, chrysalis, breaks free and transforms … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment Tagged With: Power, transformation
Living A Life With Purpose

Do you know someone who has a clear personal mission - who acknowledges their talents and uses them intentionally to achieve important goals?Do you also know someone who lives reactively and aimlessly - i.e. with no long-term purpose other than daily survival?At the end of … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Sacred Feminine Power, Self Love Tagged With: choice, purpose
The Power of Joy

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” ~ Henry Ford Getting divorced was the hardest experience I’ve had up until now. It was frustrating, emotionally crippling and felt like spiritual abandonment. … [Read More...]
Filed Under: Empowerment, Ibiza Tagged With: Ibiza, magical island, Power