2017 is the Year of A Grand Awakening. Year of the Phoenix.
“Phoenix year begins on January 27, 2017 on the new Moon in Aquarius at 4:07 pm PST. Chinese New Year is the second new Moon after Winter Solstice. Some translations refer to 2017 as Rooster year, but I resonate with Phoenix because the energy of this year brings opportunities for rebirth and transformation.
Phoenix is a brilliant, inspirational, and fearless visionary.
The element Fire is perfect for Phoenix because Fire brings strength, passion, bravery, and leadership. This is the year to break free, claim your destiny, and overcome obstacles. You can heal past actions, with fresh new perspectives and new awareness.”
~ Alkymia
The visual for this year is F.L.Y. (Fearless Love You are). This has come from our ancestors who have predicted this time through myth, Quetzalcoatl, the flying serpent, the balancing of masculine and feminine, the joining of forces, absolute equality.
It is a Feminine Awakening where every woman and man who has felt the call to awaken will step up into greater leadership positions. Especially, we will see more women running for political office, more community leaders, rising into action, more female platforms, more female publishers, more messengers of love, abundance, harmony, cooperation, collaboration and sharing. They are the leaders of the New Earth and they will be grounding the higher vibrational energies of love and truth into political and corporate institutions that need this balance of feminine authority and the feminine voice alongside masculine authority and a new sacred masculine voice.
In 2017 we will see many changes, disruptions and shifts. Here are the overall themes.
Truth and the freedom of speech
This is a year of truth. Not just your normal everyday run of the mill truth. I’m talking absolute truth and alignment on all levels. Speaking without fear. Without giving into the fear. Change always comes and change is constant. So is our truth. We will be seeing a tidal wave of new fresh voices, a new generation of messengers. They will use every platform to share their stories and spread their message to the world. There will be exponential growth in writers, publishers, broadcasters and a new feminine empowerment media emerging where women’s voices are heard and celebrated. We will see more whistle-blowers and employee leaks wherever the truth is threatened or not allowed to be freely expressed.
Alignment and Congruence
We will all be asked to do some deep soul-searching, shatter any illusions we have been carrying about an old identity of who we thought we are and step into the highest and best versions of ourselves where we are contributing to community, giving, sharing and balancing over-consumption. We are coming into our soul’s alignment. The energies of this year will help individuals align vertically to a higher order of personal authority and integrity. Personal power is being healed through facing our limitations of being enslaved, powerless and voiceless for centuries and taking that power back. We have already taken the power back and now we are aligning and integrating at a deeper level. We are healing our issues with the patriarchy and inviting in a sacred masculine to join us.
This year is especially helpful for those who have experienced paternal abandonment and betrayal by the male energy. A new sacred masculine energy is rising along with the new feminine to align and cooperate alongside one another. It’s time that we find one another, as the new male energy will champion the new feminine vision for equality. But first we must be aligned in our absolute truth.
Personal Power
Phoenix and 2017 has a powerful healing presence as we are shedding a 9-year cycle and starting a new cycle this year with new beginnings. Its stature and dignity symbolize the shift you are undergoing in relation to your own personal power. The masculine principle within your psyche is rebalancing at this time, and you will find yourself able to receive new wisdom and sacred knowledge, which resides within your heart. Explore the very nature of your own authority and will power. A tremendous amount of life force is available to you now and you are able to sustain your power over long periods of time. The lessons in personal power are about using our power for higher purposes, not just personal gain, profit at the expense of humanity and the earth.
Active Citizenship
This year has awoken a great call to citizenship and peaceful activism. For people to get into the streets, speak their truth, spread their message. We are all being encouraged to be vigilant but not afraid. We will be less inclined to stay hidden and more inclined to show up, be more visible and add our voice to the social collective, causes that matter to us, causes that will balance humanity towards greater love, compassion and abundance. This year presents a big opportunity to step into more active roles where we are stewards of progress and of our government. It is an opportunity to not be victimized and be weighed down by the burden of helplessness. We have resources and if we come together, we can find them and share them. We have a responsibility of active membership within our local communities, national community and within government.
A New Template of Leadership
This is a year of emerging leadership. We will see more teachers and the teaching of new teachers. As former President Barack Obama said in his farewell speech, “Hearts must change.” The rise of feminine leadership will lead the change of hearts.
Women’s voices: authors, podcasters, bloggers, broadcasters, YouTube stars, speakers, activists, innovators, femmepreneurs, more women in government, more TEDx Talks – using your voice and the power of social media to make change where change is necessary. We will see the rising up of young leaders with new social innovations, new digital models, community based support and organizational clout that will help solve the needs of the underrepresented, voiceless, marginalized and exiled. They care and they will make us remember again how to contribute in greater ways. We have an incredible variety of gifts, talents and strengths to offer in solidarity. The nation’s foremost thought leaders at our fingertips and they will get more involved in anchoring love and truth. This includes ambassadors, university professors, innovative CEOs, creative entrepreneurs and arts pioneers offer their points of view on life, the arts, national security, freedom of speech. They will open their doors in the spirit of change, growth and expansion.
More People Will Awaken
There will be a mass awakening of consciousness. As the pendulum of power swings, it’s up to us to stand up for what we believe, embrace those who are rising in their awareness and offer our wisdom. Offer our stories. Have courageous conversations. Be great storytellers. Tell great stories. Inspire one another. Awaken one another. With truth. With love. Through the stories of our suffering, pain and joy. We can share how to triumph and overcome without blame. Through the journey of our deep strength and rising out of the ashes towards victory we become teachers, citizens, artists, upholders of faith and we become the ones we have been waiting for.
Bigger Picture Thinking
On this journey of truth, we will be asked to think about the bigger picture, beyond our personal agendas and create towards a collective vision where everyone’s needs are considered and accounted for while accepting multiple points of views. We are leaving behind old cycle, thought patterns and habits of victimhood, enabling and villainizing and entering into creatorship, empowerment and mastery. We are also leaving martyrdom and entering into a paradigm of empowered mastery and leadership.
To inspire a collective vision we will see more solidarity. This new cycle will usher in greater solidarity within women’s organizations and movements. We saw how women rose up in the Women’s March on January 21, one day after the Presidential Inauguration. The Feminine Collaboration Model and A New Golden Age of Female Entrepresurship is on its way. Women from all sectors and ages will be more active in creating a dialogue between the merging next generational women leaders and the more established women leaders of the 21st century. Women will be running for public office at local, state and national levels. There will be an increase in the need of power within the community, a need for connection and creation for the greater good. Marching. Uniting. Living truth.
The Shadow side of 2017
2017 will be a year of great change, upheaval and transformation. We are living in revolutionary times. The paradigm of politics, corporations and government will begin to dismantle a legacy of lies, control and abuse. We will witness gag orders, shut downs for progressive and liberal agencies, manipulation of the press. Our freedom of speech and freedom of choice will be tested. Our basic human rights will be tested. We will be tested just how far we are willing to travel to stand up for freedom. There will be mass protests and even riots. Some events will cause quick changes, big shifts and upheavals. Uranus will make sure of this. Uranus acts like lightning. Sudden changes, quick and swift.
If it hasn’t been clear yet – this is also a year of voice. The people have a voice are the people who have a choice. Use your power wisely. Use your voice to make change where change is necessary. No matter where you stand, who you voted for, where you live or what your nationality is, this year, we will all be given a gift. A gift to move forward with our hearts as masters, open wide to invite love, abundance, compassion, oneness and unity.
We have been given an invitation to become the change.
If you want the light, it is there for you.
If you want the darkness, it is there for you.
You have the power to choose.
There’s so much going on in the world and my heart goes out to all who are navigating through these challenges from the presidential transition, new ways of living, disruption in healthcare and changes in travel and immigration status. Millions of warriors are our way-showers, showing us the way towards a humanity where we can love and protect one and another. In the end that’s the only thing that counts. How much we loved one another through it all.
As always, please stay safe and know that you are supported on your journey. I will be praying for all of you and sending extra love and comfort.
If these messages and themes resonated with you, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and I’ll be sure to reply!
Fearless Love You are! FLY High!
[References taken from Jennifer Hoffman & Alkymia]
For deeper reading:
Jennifer Hoffman Energy Reports
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