Dear Awakening Woman,Welcome! I’m so happy you’ve stopped by. I hope you find inspiration and passion on these pages to power up your life. Your life is a sacred journey full of change, growth, discovery, transformation, expanding your vision of what is possible and discovering your soul power. I work with women to awaken their sacred feminine power, take courageous risks and fly into the unknown. You have the power to create a beautiful life you desire and deserve! Explore my writing, courses and products to awaken you to the to the woman you are meant to become and the Goddess you truly are.Love & blessings,
Temples of Isis in the Mediterranean

The Temple of Philae on Agilika Island by Ivan Marcialis CC BY-SA 2.0 The world is witnessing a revival of interest in Goddess Isis, the feminine aspect of divinity that has been neglected for so long by patriarchal world religions. Isis of Ten Thousand … [Continue...]
The magic of Salinas

My favorite beach in Ibiza is Salinas. Why? Because no matter what changes or how many tourists flock to the island, Salinas stays true to the original, bohemian fun-loving spirit of Ibiza. This October I return to my Goddess Island and I’m so excited to show you my … [Continue...]
Searching for Tanit in Ibiza
Who is Goddess Tanit of Ibiza? Tanit is an ancient African Mother goddess of sexuality, fertility and death. Her worship spread throughout the Mediterranean where she was honored for her ancient powers over the life-death continuum in Phoenicia, Carthage, Iberia, Libya and … [Continue...]